You can easily toggle between currencies from within your Dashboard, but here is the most up to date version of the currencies that we support.
($) US Dollar
(£) British Pound Sterling
(€) Euro
(A$) Australian Dollar
(R$) Brazilian Real
(C$) Canadian Dollar
(HK$) Hong Kong Dollar
(₹) Indian Rupee
(¥) Japanese Yen
(RM) Malaysian Ringgit
(MEX$) Mexican Peso
($) New Zealand Dollar
(kr) Norwegian krone
(S$) Singapore Dollar
(kr) Swedish Krona
(Fr.) Swiss Franc
Adding support for others is a relatively easy process for us, so if you don't see one here that you'd like to see, let us know via the live chat and in most cases we can have it up and running that same day for you.
Any questions? Let us know!